The Significance of Religious Charms and Pendants

Since the beginning of time, man has desired to make a visual display of his religious devotion. In some countries, men shave their heads and women cover their faces before they go out into the public. Catholic nuns cover themselves from head to toe in order to show their resistance to temptation. In Tibet, there are men who have devoted their lives to the study and meditation of their religion, cloistering themselves off from the outside world.
In the West, our ways of showing our devotion is usually more subdued in comparison. This does not mean that we do not believe in the greatness of God, nor does it mean that religious people here do not walk in the path that He has established. It simply means that many people do not choose to express their faith in such a dramatic manner.
One way that every woman and many men of the Christian faith can choose to show their beliefs is through the jewelry they wear. There are many who faithfully wear the cross or other religious symbols on silver pendants. The reason for this is quite simple: This is a way of expressing their faith. The wearing of a cross image of Christ on a pendant serves to remind those who believe in the Christian faith of the sacrifice that was made for them. Thus, many people choose silver – an element that has long been used to craft items that are unique and special to individuals – as the metal from which to make religious jewelry. Examples of the kind of religious jewelry we sell include crosses, medallions bearing the image of the Virgin Mother, St. Christopher Medals and more.
More than Simple Adornment
As you can see, the wearing of such silver jewelry is more than a fashion statement to the faithful. Moreover, the purity and beauty of plain silver jewelry has a certain appeal in a time when many crave the unusual and unnatural. In fact, with the return to several of the classic styles of dress, plain silver jewelry of all kinds is more popular than ever before.
Regardless of what the fashion industry considers to be hot and in vogue today, religious silver pendants will never go out of style. They can be found on our site at very reasonable prices. We also have sterling silver charms at wholesale prices as well as genuine sterling silver alphabet beads.

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